
Showing posts from November, 2020

7 Untapped Business Ideas in Kenya

  Untapped business ideas are those that are yet to be exploited. In Kenya, there are several such ideas that any entrepreneur can start and be assured of success despite the skyrocketing unemployment. With salaried jobs becoming hard to get and keep, investing in such ideas is a great way to make money. Most of these ideas are easy to start and if properly implemented, they can multiply your income to sort all your important needs. Some of these ideas include: 1. Consultation services   Make money by offering problem-solving solutions. People are desperately looking for help in all areas of life from personal, business to career life. Choose your area of expertise, grow it and it will make a good living out of it. People are going to pay for your services as long as you can solve their issues. 2. Garbage collection Most people think that garbage collection is a low and dirty job. If you also feel this way, it's time to change that mentality. You can make a kill with this bus...

How to Make More Money in Network Marketing

Network marketing is taking the world by storm, especially during the current economic times. This industry is lucrative and worth billions. Do you wish to join network marketing today ? It could be a game-changer in your financial life. If network marketing is new to you, first understand that there are four main categories of these industries The most popular niche is the health and wellness industry. More people are becoming more conscious of their health, and that could be the drive. Cosmetics and personal care is another niche ruling the network marketing industry. Those are products meant to make a person look best. Third, you can decide to join an internet marketing company . The Internet economy is actually the next big thing not only in Kenya but also across the world.   More people are now embracing the purchasing of goods and services over the internet. There are two branches of internet marketing companies. First, there are eCommerce companies that sell different se...

More Cycles More Money: Make Money Online Today

First and Fast Capital International is an online airtime distribution system. The objective is to reach youth all over Kenya and enable them top up their smartphones and make a decent income online . Fnfcom uses a 2×2 forced matrix. The first digit means that each level has two levels. The second digit means there are two levels so that you can get your compensation. First, you sign up to First and Fast Capital International. Secondly, activate your account with a one-time membership fee of Ksh1545 and become an affiliate. You instantly receive Ksh 300 worth of airtime on your phone on your Safaricom registered number. You require six people to enroll below you for a cycle to be complete after which you earn a commission. But you don’t have to invite all the six people by yourself. You only need to enroll two members where each of them will invite another two. Below are the cycles and the potential earnings. First cycle When you complete your first cycle, you earn a total of K...

10 Best Towns to Start Your Business in Kenya Today

Are you thinking of starting a business in Kenya? One thing that comes to mind is the location. Of course, there are those factors that influence your decision to settle for a particular place. It could be the cost of living, infrastructure, security, among others. Additionally, you have to consider the future. Unless you plan to run the business before the future unfolds, like two three month affair, but that too requires that you foresee what will happen in a short time. Below is a list of the ten best towns to start a business in Kenya based on several factors including infrastructure, client base, and cost of living, among others. 1. Busia    Photo Courtesy:HelloTravel What would you expect from a town sandwiched between two commercially active countries? It is none other than Busia. With its location being right on Uganda's entry point from Kenya, this town happens to be among the busiest in the region. It is a convenient location, especially if you wish to fetch...