How to Make More Money in Network Marketing

Network marketing is taking the world by storm, especially during the current economic times. This industry is lucrative and worth billions. Do you wish to join network marketing today? It could be a game-changer in your financial life. If network marketing is new to you, first understand that there are four main categories of these industries

The most popular niche is the health and wellness industry. More people are becoming more conscious of their health, and that could be the drive. Cosmetics and personal care is another niche ruling the network marketing industry. Those are products meant to make a person look best. Third, you can decide to join an internet marketing company. The Internet economy is actually the next big thing not only in Kenya but also across the world. 

More people are now embracing the purchasing of goods and services over the internet. There are two branches of internet marketing companies. First, there are eCommerce companies that sell different services and products online. Besides, internet service companies sell internet services, including web hosting, web design, etc.

Finally, there is the fourth main category of network marketing reffered to as party plans. Nevertheless, there are more categories, too, such as travel, energy, etc. The above mentioned are network marketing companies. When you join one, you become a network marketer. But the type you are determines what you can earn from network marketing. Below is a list of ten types of network marketers.

1. Part-timers

Around 10% of your team could be part-timers. They have an appetite for learning and working. Most of the time, part-timers have a family and career. Therefore, they cannot be in business full time. But they commit their 5-15 hours in a week and work without excuses. It is worth investing your money and time in these people as they tend to do what you ask, and the majority end up being top earners and top earners.

2. Product enthusiasts

Product enthusiasts are the types of people who won’t waste any chance to purchase your products. They know nothing else.  You can consider them as real fanatics of your products. These people are a gem when you have them amongst your team, and they deserve the best treatment. It is recommendable that you don't pressure beyond their capacity.

3. Social club

Do you know some people get into network marketing just to mingle with others? Well, it is not a bad thing to make new friends, adventure, learn new things, and have fun. It is easy to know such people amongst your team. these types of network marketers might not have a big impact on building your business. However, they won't miss your events and make monthly orders for your products. Although they are in your team, majorly for social aspects, they deserve good treatment. These types of network marketers stick in your business for a long due to their long time relationship with other team members.

4. MLM junkies

MLM junkies are not any different from jacks of all trades. They have an unusual excitement as they learn about your opportunity. In less than 90 days, all the excitement fades. They get out there looking for other opportunities. In a decade, MLM junkies can find themselves in more than 50 companies. If you invest in these kinds of network marketers, it is just a waste of time. 

5. Network marketing professionals

Network marketing professionals are rare to find. They could be in the part-timer category but later decide to get into the industry as their profession. If you can get two or more in your team, you have an assurance of a six-figure income. Do you see how lawyers and doctors are serious about their profession? It is the same case with network marketing professionals.

6. Big talkers, zero results

Do you remember the MLM junkies? Big talkers, non-producers are worse than them. They could have a past experience and talk about it to the point of exciting you to get them on board. After around two months, that is when you realize that they are non-producers. They don't go for long, and frustrations keep them out.

7. The amateur

Amateurs are the majority in the network marketing industry, taking up about 80%. These people are completely blank, with no skills, no work ethic, wrong mindset, or negative attitude about succeeding in the business. They get into it as a hobby and will always question why income is not flowing.

8. The cons

Cons are everywhere, in markets, hospitals, churches, everywhere. Every type of industry has several bad people it attracts. They are out there to make quick money regardless of what they do to someone. It is all about themselves and does not care about someone else. Fortunately, these people do not last in the Multilevel Marketing industry. 

9. Go-getters

Go-getters are those people who grasp your vision and fully embrace it from the first day. Their appetite for learning and working is like that of the part-timers. They are your leaders and commit to building business sometimes without calling out for your help. While they might have a career, they commit 30-40 hours of their time in a week for business.

10. The hype man

A hype man and a con man are out there to damage the industry's good name. all they have is to promise people fat earnings out of nothing. They are only different from MLM junkies in their use of hype as they speak to prospects.


Those are the types of network marketers. With this list, you can easily evaluate your stand. While you can find yourself in several categories above, it is possible to make a life-changing decision. Any person in this industry should seek to find their way up to become a network marketing professional. For example, if you decide to settle on being this type of network marketer, you have an assurance to earn big from the industry.








Fred Kabiru

Fred Kabiru is a content creator and SEO specialist. He is passionate and experienced about Business, Digital Marketing, News and Technology. He is a believer of content worth reading for a brand worth following.



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