Understanding the Five Levels of Investors

Investing involves allocation of resources especially money expecting to generate an income or profit. For a long time, the popular investments have been real estates and stocks. However, as a result of technology, online investments are on the rise. Nowadays, it is common to hear people talk of how to earn money online in Kenya. Fnfcom happens to give you the opportunity to make money online in Kenya. Regardless of where you are, all you need is your smartphone and internet connection. Besides, Fnfcom has investment opportunities for you. Set aside that amount of money and see it grow with time. As you consider investing, it is good that you get an understanding of level of investor according to Robert Kiyosaki. Being conversant with the levels enables you to know where you are and where you would wish to see yourself. 1. The Zero-Financial-Intelligence Level This level of investors consists of the majority of the population. The current school system does not incor...