Major Reason Why Investing is the Real Deal


Majority of Kenyans have always held education in high esteem due to its direct relation to employment. People have been ready to sacrifice anything else, to ensure they invest in the finest schools. For long, many Kenyans have considered looking for standard employment as a safe and most convenient way towards a comfortable life. 

However, it is not the case anymore.These days, you enroll for your primary school education for eight years. Not forgetting that one year in the pre-primary level. Nowadays, there are several classes down there. 

After that, you move on to take your secondary school education. Once you are through with high, there awaits you the tertiary institution. It could be the standard four years at the university or the similar in a college.

A total of more than 16 years, you are learning how to land that dream job.  Well, you are willing to wait for all that time without complaining. Besides, you are even ready to add five more years with the sole objective being to land that dream job.

Unfortunately, nothing seems to yield anything good after the 25 years. Your dream job is not neither forthcoming nor are there signals that you are likely to land one. What do you do after that? Circumstances forces you to settle on anything you come across. 

It does not matter whether you hate the job or you are paid peanuts. You find yourself doing it just to make a living and live out the rest of your life. It is that pathetic. Instead, why should you not go for an investment plan that gives financial stability in lesser time than all that.

Within no time, you find yourself in your 30s, 40s 50s and hit your 60s in a position you dislike and underpaid. After that, you go home and your eyes are on the unreliable government pension. Moving your file from one office to the other becomes a norm. To make the matter worse, you might not even the pension.

But here comes a 2-4 year plan, which you can engage in while still at work. In 2-4 years, you achieve that financial freedom every person has always wished. You can't say, that's too long? 

If you do, what about the 25 years in school, and 35 years in a job you dislike, adding up to a total of 60 years? And there is no guarantee of financial stability at the end. But this 2-4 years investment plan assures you of financial stability. Which one is better?????









Fred Kabiru

Fred Kabiru is a content creator and SEO specialist. He is passionate and experienced about Business, Digital Marketing, News and Technology. He is a believer of content worth reading for a brand worth following.






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