3 Powerful Keys to Attracting More Prosperity You Should Use Every Day


Working hard, setting your eyes on the price, teamwork and consistency in what you are some of the valuable things you need to prosper in life.

But if you want to attract more prosperity and abundance into your life – faster and easier than you can imagine - read on for the three powerful keys you need to consider using them daily.


KEY 1: Appreciate what you have

The only way you can attract and turn your life to be great and full of abundance is if you focus on appreciating the little things you have. Turn your attention from the thinking of ‘I only have this or that’ and replace it with ‘I’m grateful for this or that…’.

For example, if you want more money, appreciate the little that is in your wallet currently. If you want more love, appreciate the love you have in your life now – for friends, family etc and once you do this, you will change the mood for the whole day – if you can change your day, you change your life.

KEY 2: Recognize that there is one source but many channels

As much as there might be one source to your prosperity, understand and recognize that the channels to it are several – not one.

Your bank account may have millions today – and you will feel prosperous, but a day later it is wiped out by an emergency and you end up thinking your poor – but the fact remains the source of the money that was in the account remains the same (it has not changed).

Also Read: List Of 10 Life Rules That Will Help You Become Successful


In case, for any reason one channel is closed, another one will always appear – as long as you’re willing to keep your mind open and your ‘opportunity awareness’ sharp – what is important is to align yourself (SOURCE) to all the channels that flow.

KEY 3: Circulate to accelerate (Giving)

Prosperity and abundance goes hand in hand with giving. When you infuse your life and the lives around you with giving, you cannot help but have a greater good circle back into your life.

Always give – even if it is little money that you have. You can also give your time, talent etc – but don’t expect to receive anything in return.

Also Read: What You Need To Get Rich and Wealthy Online


If you practice the above-listed keys consistently, be sure you will notice many more golden opportunities and you will attract more resources and people that will help you prosper.

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Joshua Cheloti


Joshua Cheloti is a digital journalist and an experienced content creator with demonstrated writing skills on a variety of topics ranging from digital investments, business and technology.



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