6 Tips on How to Start Investing Money at a Young Age


Everyone has a dream to live a good life and a driving force for all this is – MONEY.

You will not wake up one morning and find yourself wealthy or with a lot of money, you will have to go through many ups and downs before getting there.

The best way to secure your financial future is to start investing as early as now – the younger you start investing, the better and higher chances for you to thrive.

Here are some of the tips that will help you to start investing at a young age:

Open a savings account

This is the easiest way to invest your money as you can do even if you are under the legal age – 18 years.

Opening a savings account can offer a sufficient investment in future like paying for college/university tuition, buying a car or starting your own business.

Open an investment account

An investment account offers far much better returns compared to a savings account. With this account, your money earns an interest that will keep growing your investment.

Buy stocks or shares

As much as the stock market can be highly unpredictable, investing in buying stocks or shares offers the very best returns – compared to other forms of investments.

One of the places you can invest in is First and First Capital International that allows you to earn at least 163% on your invested capital on shares.

Also Read: Make Money Online Today (Step By Step Guide)

Start with Ksh7,000 ($70) per share and a maximum of Ksh35,000 ($350) for five shares. At Fnfcom, we pay Ksh14,500 per share after 90 days.

Go for bonds

Buying government bonds is less risky compared to buying stock and shares but annual interest is a bit low – however, it offers a starting bond to start investing.

Avoid debts at all cost

Many of the youth today have debts all over, be it Fuliza, Mobile Loans, Okoa Data and Okoa airtime etc. For you to make smart investment moves, you will need to learn how to control your spending and avoid debts of all kinds.

Minimize your spending habits is the trick to addressing this.

If you have a problem with too much Okoa Data, Okoa airtime and Mobile Loans, join Fnfcom, we have an online airtime distribution platform specifically designed to address this challenge that mostly affects the youth.

Take risks

They say nothing comes on a silver platter. While still young, you have better options, enough time and energy to take risks and make the decision to invest.

Join Ffncom online airtime distribution system and earn Ksh4,500 or invest by buying shares from Sh7,000 ($90) and make up to Ksh14,500 per share.

Also Read: How to Make Ksh4,500 Daily Online

Written By Joshua Cheloti 

Joshua Cheloti is a digital journalist and an experienced content creator with demonstrated writing skills on a variety of topics ranging from digital investments, business and technology.


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