Tips to Becoming a Successful Online Entrepreneur 

An online entrepreneur is someone who conducts business via the internet. There are numerous types of online entrepreneur, from those who make some side income selling crafts to multimillionaire CEOs of internet monoliths.
Today I want to help you understand what you need to know about online entrepreneurship and help you understand what it takes to start and succeed as your own boss.

1. Understand your "Why"

Before you begin down your path of online entrepreneurship, you need to understand why you're looking to start your own business in the first place. Regardless of the reasoning, if you're looking to go full time there has to be a reason or set of reasons. Figure out what it is for you, this will allow you to succeed when times get tough.

2. Have a unique idea

It may seem simplistic, but given the staggering amount of competition, the difference between being a successful online entrepreneur and just another option balances on a razor's edge. You either need to offer a unique product, a unique service, or a unique method of delivery and implementation.
Do a research on how does what you provide differ from other similar products or services. That's your niche and that's how you will become successful.

3. Don't Leave your Full-Time Job yet

The reason is simple, online business or not, 45% of small businesses fail within the first 5 years. Given that so many business owners fail, I think it makes much more sense to keep your full-time job when you begin and start everything as a side-hustle. Doing so will allow you to make better decisions because your finances won't be strained. You should consider marketing your business here before going full time.

4. Know your competition

You'll likely have done some competitive research while looking into the unique qualities of your product or service. Becoming a successful online entrepreneur depends on knowing your competition. What are they doing right? What are they doing wrong? Are they active on social media? How big is their community? When you know your competitors' strengths and weaknesses you'll know right where you need to be.

5. Choose an idea that fits your Lifestyle

Understand that a business idea that's great to someone else, doesn't necessarily have to be great for you. Choose an idea that's fitting of what you'd like your lifestyle to be.

6. Market cleverly

Know where to spend your time and money on marketing efforts. Social media can be a great way for an online entrepreneur to spread the word about their products or services, but does every platform make sense? Learn marketing in simple ways 

7. Find a good coach

A good coach, especially one who has some experience with how to be an online entrepreneur, can help you considerably with both the day to day issues of selling online and the big picture. You may find in your journey to become an online entrepreneur you will feel a bit a drift concerning decisions and need a sounding board. A good coach can fill that role and help you feel less alone while becoming a successful online entrepreneur.

8. Set Short term goals

Some people spend most of their time creating goals and I think that this is a little silly because you really have no idea what's going to happen a year from now. I recommend you set goals for the current month and that's it. Keep it simple and set/achieve your goals. If you do this every month for a year, you'll have made a ton of progress and start making money online.

9. Learn to manage money

Your coach can help with this well as they should have experience with the business finances. When money comes in have a plan that allocates some to business reinvestment and some to yourself as a wage. Understand that when you're starting up you'll need to invest more toward expanding the business and less toward your pocket.

10. Be prepared to work hard

One of the advantages of becoming an online entrepreneur is that you're your own boss; one of the disadvantages is that especially at the beginning, you may be your only employee. Combine all the work with the fact that you'll likely, at least at first, have another job as well and online entrepreneurship can be overwhelming. Be sure to know what you're getting into and roll up your sleeves and get at it.

11. Be adaptable

Be ready to follow unexpected opportunities and work through unforeseen setbacks. Many of the most successful online businesses took advantage of new developments, pivoted from their original idea and because of flexibility they are a success.
Keep an open mind and let your business grow organically.

Of the tips mentioned, which ones resonated mot with you? Let me know in the comments below.

Written By: Antony Moturi

DJ | Social Media Specialist | Online Marketer Content Creator | Sound Engineer


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