10 Things You Need To Have To Get Wealthy In Kenya


Everybody hopes and prays that they live a good life. Parents will do the best they can to give their children a good foundation, in education and even securing them jobs – in hope that they become successful.

People hustle and work hard – all because they want a better life, not only now but also in future.

Apparently, a better life is determined by how much money you have in your bank account or in investment.

For you to become wealthy, not only in Kenya but globally, here are some of the basic things that you need to have – and probably practice them on a daily basis;

-      Purpose – This, alongside vision will clear your path to wealth

-     Planning – Wealthy and successful people always have clear, concise and smart planning.

-     Analysis/Assessment – Before venturing into any opportunity, make sure you access and analyze it.

-     Accountability – In your bid to become wealthy, you have no option but to ensure you are accountable. In other words – if you’re chasing success, accountability is a must.

-     Patience – You won’t wake up one morning and find yourself wealthy – you will need to be patient as you watch yourself grow. I can assure you that patience is not easy, but you have to – for you to be wealthy.

-     Rewards – There is a great deal when you reward yourself in every milestone achieved, even if it is a minor one.

-     Budget – You ate entitled to plan your budget but it is good to know that budgeting I a key component for one to get wealthy.

-     Integrity – If you want to get wealthy, be faithful and truthful to yourself.

-     Time management – You can utile your time well and become wealthy, just as it is said that time is money – and so is wealth

-     Balance – Always have a balance in whatever you do as this will enhance your productivity. To become wealthy – know what to do and when to do it.

-     Responsibilities – The success or failure of your business or project will always come down to you. To enhance discipline in handling your affairs and getting into the ‘wealthy club’ always be ready to accept huge responsibilities. 

Grow your wealth by utilizing opportunities available thanksto the growing internet penetration in Kenya. 

Join First and First CommunicationSystem (Fnfcom) and make up to Ksh4,500 daily online money.

If you’re looking at where to invest, look no further than Fnfcom. We have an investment plan for beginners that will earn you 163% of returns on your invested capital within 90 days.

Written By Joshua Cheloti 

Digital journalist, an experienced content creator with demonstrated writing skills on a variety of topics ranging from digital investments, business and technology.


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