Should I Pursue My Passion or be Practical?

This is a question that most of you have to tackle in order to stay relevant in the society. Many have searched for answers only to be left with nothing but more questions. If you're feeling unfulfilled in your career, it may be because you're on a path that doesn't allow you to follow your passion. Perhaps you've stuck yourself in a particular job because the money is good. Ultimately, chasing money instead of passion won't get you far if you're looking for self-improvement.

Money is a very powerful thing. It builds empires and breaks down kingdoms; it allows dreams to come true and it takes others away; it makes some people happy and others completely miserable. Today the pursuit of money is almost directly linked to the pursuit of happiness, and many will argue that money=happiness. Although money is great and can buy us all the things that will temporarily make us happy, no amount of money can buy time. Time is our most valuable asset and it is something that, while on this earth we should spend most wisely. We have all the tools to help you build your career here.

Here are some reasons you should follow your passion and not money

#1. Life is too short

Life is short. It's fragile and its delicate. It's here one moment, then gone the next. It's never okay just to settle because we aren't here for a long time. As humans, we have a shelf-life. And although our energy will live and carry on, we are only physically here for a brief period.

#2. You'll feel better about the Work you do

There is nothing worse than having to wake up every morning during the week to mindlessly go do work you don't care about or that you feel isn't adding anything to the world. However, if you choose to follow your passion, you can begin to truly enjoy what you do. While the monetary reward may be smaller, the internal rewards will make up for it.

#3. You'll stimulate your creativity

Being forced to do work is one of the most draining experiences. While there are times at every job where you may feel the work may be draining and dull, when you are passionate about the work, you can move past the dull days as you know the next will likely bring something new and interesting. Your creative process will get a huge boost when you follow your passion. You are more inclined to come up with creative ideas when you like what you do. This will not only add more interest to your life, but it will make you better at what you do and will likely lead to you moving up the ladder in the long run.

#4. It gives you a sense of purpose

Following your passion in life gives you a sense of purpose to exist in this world. It also helps to instill something bigger and greater than just yourself. As long as what you're pursuing moves beyond just the selfish reasons and really attempts to contribute value to the world, it will help you fulfill something far greater than you could ever imagine.

#5. It won't feel like work to you

Following your passion in life and doing what you love for a living won't feel like work for you. You won't open your eyes dreading another day at a life-sucking 9-to-5 job. You'll wake up with energy and enthusiasm to start another day pursuing something that you really want to do rather than an endless array of things you're dreading having to do.

#6. Your dreams will manifest into reality

When you follow your passion in life, slowly but surely, your dreams manifest into reality. When you're doing what you love, you're already realizing a dream, but it also helps you to not lose focus and drive over time when it's a deeply passionate project.

#7. No obstacle will stop you

When you follow your passion and really enjoy what you do, nothing will stop you from getting your work done. Because you are passionate about what you do, you feel unstoppable and nothing can get in the way of you achieving greatness. Your passion ignites your work and like a rocket it accelerates your past roadblocks that may come about. Any obstacles that comes your way is accepted and fought off with a creative solution.

#8. You will feel more fulfilled

There are few feelings better than achieving a level of success you set out for yourself as you follow your passion. When you finally reach the pinnacle, it is that much enjoyable knowing you got there doing something you love and something you feel adds value to the world.

In the world we live in, it's necessary to make money, but that doesn't mean it needs to be our top priority when choosing our careers. Ultimately, you will do better and work your way up faster at a job you genuinely care about, so instead of following money, follow your passion and give your career a boost.

We have trainings to help you build your career and make you the best at what you love. Find out more here

Written by: Antony Moturi

DJ | Social Media Specialist | Online Marketer | Content Creator | Sound Engineer


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