Indeed, a catchy headline is your entry into your reader and potential customer's world and that's a very busy space they occupy. Blog posts titles are hard. You need to communicate a lot of information and capture the attention and the clicks of your audience and you only have so many characters to do it.

I'm going to share a step-by-step process to get you writing not just one good headline after another but consistently great headlines. No matter your content type, and no matter if you're writing a list post or an in-depth article, a powerful and attractive headline is waiting to be had.

With these headline tips, I'll also show you how to capture attention immediately and compel readers to stop in their tracks.

#1. Avoid words that sound like spam

With over two billion blog posts published each year, it's no wonder that common phrases go from recognizable to cliche quickly. Take "ultimate guide" for instance. Interest in these has pretty much declined over the past few years and it's more than halved in the last decade. Why? Because we see ultimate guide so often in the SERP that the modifier becomes boring and we're being honest lazy. Standard constructions like "The Ultimate Guide to X" or "X Secrets Revealed" are not just boring for your potential readers, but also harmful for your brand authority. In fact, HubSpot found that using words like magic and amazing can actually decrease your CTR. These cliches get spammy, which does a disservice to your blog content.
So instead of leaning on these overused, ineffective words, find new ones that are great for marketing. Focus on powerful words that align with your brand.

#2. Use specific numbers and data in your headline

The headline accounts for up to 50% of your blog post's effectiveness. If you fail to  make it powerful and clickable, every other marketing step that you take will be a total waste of time. Integrating specific numbers and data into your headline is an effective way to make your headlines more enticing to readers. Several research studies have shown that headlines with numbers tend to generate 73% more social shares and engagement. One of the reasons why using numbers works in headlines is because numbers are like brain candy. In other words, the brain is receptive to numbers.

#3. Utilize a unique rationale

The word rationale simply means an underlying reason why something should be done. If you want people to read your content, do you have a good reason they should? Some of the rationales that you can include in your headlines are: 
- Tips
- Reasons
- Lessons
- Tricks
- Ways
- Strategies
- Facts

#4. Remember your keyword

This is a simple reminder but it's important. Your primary keyword needs to be in your blog post title. Most of your blog posts should start with keyword search. An effective content strategy for most blogs involves growing traffic organically, which requires keyword-targeted blog posts. Sometimes great blog post ideas come out of discussions with your team or customer pain points. But even those ideas are better when you can align them with a keyword. And when you do, make sure to include that keyword in your title.

#5. Use headline formulas

Every authority blogger and content marketer has one or more formulas for writing headlines. When using formulas, make sure to include power words that will get people to buy your product or join your waiting list. I've addressed some ways to write a powerful headline using the acronym "SHINE"
  • S - Specificity
  • H- Helpfulness
  • I - Immediacy
  • N - Newsworthiness
  • E - Entertainment value
To make it easier for you, consider adopting the headline formula used by many fitness experts. They first identify the problem, then offer a solution and then make a promise

#6. Make the value clear

 The best advice I've received about writing blog titles is to make sure that it communicates the value. The reader should never have to second guess why they're clicking on the article and the blog post should deliver on its promise.
This part is key. It might be tempting to overhaul your blog post titles based on these tips, but a new title doesn't lead to meaningful traffic if it doesn't actually provide the original data or expert advice or audience-specific information. Even worse, it can hurt your brand to oversell in a title.
Instead, make sure your blog post titles clearly convey the value that they provide and then go from there to make them as appealing as possible.

Spend the time on your blog post titles, you won't regret it

Here are some of the best online jobs in Kenya 

Written by: Antony Moturi

DJ | Social Media Specialist | Online Marketer | Content Creator | Sound Engineer


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