Becoming a Successful Online Entrepreneur in Easy Steps
The truth is, anyone can start on the path of entrepreneurship, but it becomes really overwhelming to think about leaving the safety of a full-time job with health insurance and a salary to begin a start up of their own. Establishing and running a successful startup isn't all that different from doing it with traditional brick and mortar company. Most of the rules about good business apply in both cases. As a matter of fact, most of the experience you may have in running a traditional company can help you with your internet startup as well.
Here we take a look at the steps you need to take to be a successful internet entrepreneur.
#1. Understand your "why"
Before you begin down your path of online entrepreneurship, you need to understand why you're looking to start your own business in the first place.
- Are you looking for freedom?
- A passive income lifestyle?
- Earning potential?
- Do you simply hate your current job?
Regardless of the reasoning, if you're looking to go full-time there has to be a reason or a set of reasons. Figure out what it is, this will allow you to succeed when times get tough.#2. Work on your mindset
Many people jump into the internet business lured by false promises of all play and no work. Once in they have a nasty shock about the harsh reality that doesn't conform to their expectations. Whether you want to start a business to escape your 9-5 grind or to become rich isn't really important, but you have to be prepared to work your ass off in order to make that dream true. If you don't have that mindset, you are only setting up yourself for a massive failure.
#3. Don't leave your full time job yet
The reason is simple, online business or not, 45% of small business fail within the first 5 years. Given that so many business owners fail, it makes much more sense to keep your full-time job when you begin and start everything as a side-hustle. Doing so will allow you to make better decisions because your finances won't be strained. Generally speaking, when someone is worried about money and makes that the main focus of their business instead of what their customers need, their much less likely to have a successful online business. #4. Identify a Niche
The rule of a thumb is that the more profitable a niche is, the more completion there is. However, there are many exceptions. It is possible to succeed in a niche that is highly populated and competitive but that is very hard. You need something that will set you apart from the pack and help you compete with established players that have been on the market for years. Have you got that ''something''? If not try your lack with a less competitive field.
#5. Choose a Business idea that fits your lifestyle
One of the best things about online business is that it can provide you with significant passive income opportunities. In fact this is likely one of the best reasons to get started. However, a passive income model isn't always the best for people. It takes a lot of time to make revenue to replace your day job. Understand that a business idea that's great to someone else, doesn't necessarily have to be great for you. Choose an idea that's fitting of what you'd like your lifestyle to be.
#6. Get started now
A very common issue that aspiring online business owners have is that they spend their time stressing about the perfect business model and developing a business plan. If you really want to succeed at being an online entrepreneur, the first thing that you need to do is simply get started. The truth is, you're going to fail, and it's okay. It sounds cliche but it's almost an entrepreneur's right of passage to start something and fall on their face. That failure is really just you learning what it works and what doesn't.
#7. Manage your time
There are plenty of tasks that you need to perform when creating a startup, but usually, there are limited resources. You will need to learn how to manage your time to do everything. The key aspect you will have to get comfortable with is delegating. Identify the most important matters and focus on them, everything else should be delegated to your staff.
#8. Advertise smartly
You need to create a budget and stick to it and you have to identify the best platforms for your advertisements. A good marketing agency can and will do all this leg work for you.
In conclusion if you want to start an internet business solely based on some online course you took like, ''4hr work week'' or some other nonsense, you are in for a bad surprise. You can't run an internet business on auto-pilot while you are partying all night and sleeping till noon. If that is your plan, you might as well save yourself a massive failure and stick to your cubicle job. All successful internet entrepreneurs possess a will and a drive, enforced by self-discipline, that allows them to work long hours and go months, even years, without taking a day off. If you are not prepared to do that, this probably isn't for you.
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