Cracking the YouTube Engagement Code

One under-used, yet extremely effective social network platform that I'm sure you've heard about is YouTube. The video marketing platform hosts a tremendous amount of online content on a wide range subjects, making it one of the most popular social media channels of modern day.

Since 2005, video marketing has grown in popularity as one of the most engaging tools available. No matter what industry you are in, video has become the go to content format for people researching products before buying them. Online unboxing of products, road tests and tear-downs have become a form of entertainment.

Video content educates and engages your audience and helps to grow your brand personality. The more brand trust and familiarity there is, the better will be your conversions.

With that said, YouTube engagement is crucial to your channel's success. When done right, you build an authentic relationship with your viewers and community at large. They'll know that they can rely on you for great content that informs and delights them and they'll reward you for it by returning and converting.

Below are the best tactics to increasing your YouTube engagement numbers.

#1. Create easily digestible content

No matter how complicated your business or industry, there are some helpful tips and insights you can share with your potential customers. But if your videos don't have clear points and easily digestible information, you will confuse and lose your audience. One of the best tips for creating more engaging YouTube videos is to add timestamps to your content. This is easy to do. You simply begin by adding a timestamp of 0:00 in your video description. Then, at the next point, add another timestamp that denotes when that section start (eg 1:48). Once you publish the video, YouTube will automatically create breaks in the video that match your listed timestamps. Another way to make content more digestible is to have visual breaks on the screen. These can include B-roll footage or even words that match the content you are speaking about. The more visual elements you add in, the longer your audience will want to watch.

#2. Nail the thumbnail

Your video's thumbnail is arguably the key determining factor in a viewer's decision to watch your content, especially if they are on their phone. Along with the title, it's the first thing viewers see when they browse for videos. And it's not enough just to pick an interesting shot from your video and use it. Unless it's very interesting of course. You should customize your thumbnails to make sure there's a clear, strong image that tells potential viewers about your video while drawing them in. In fact 90% of YouTube's best performing videos have custom thumbnails.

A few tips to create great thumbnails:

Add text

If you don't have any super eye catching imagery in your video, add some text onto your thumbnail to grab your viewer. Think of it like a second title on your video. How can you leverage that space to really capture your viewers attention? You can create a thumbnail with a text telling your viewers what to expect but leaving just enough to entice them to click on the video to watch. Also ensure that the thumbnails are consistent. This will help with branding and can allow your views to instantly recognize your video from a list of other ones.

Use the rule of thirds

The rule of thirds is a basic principle in photography. It refers to the idea that the human eye is naturally drawn to four points in an image. When you compose an image for your thumbnail, you'll want to keep the most important aspect of it in one of those four points. Of course, this isn't hard and fast rule. There are plenty of great examples of thumbnails that center their image. However, it is a solid rule-of-thumb if you're looking for a way to compose your thumbnail.

Use the right tools

To create a great thumbnail, you'll need thousands of dollars worth of fancy photo editing software as well as well as hundreds of hours of training to edit them, Which is something I would say if creating thumbnails wasn't incredibly easy. In fact, there are plenty of great, free programs out there that'll help you create beautiful images for social media. 

#3. Add annotations to drive desirable actions from the user

If you've been video marketing for a while, then you'll know that all kinds of marketers need to be direct. Want the user to subscribe to your YouTube channel? Then state it explicitly. Want them to like your video? Want them to share? Remind them to do so. Unless you're upfront in your communication, you might end up simply getting more views on your videos without seeing any profitable customer action and increasing your YouTube engagement. A great way to bolster your subscriptions and increasing YouTube engagement is by using annotations. They are little boxes that appear during the video and remind the user to take action. YouTube also likes to see more interaction in the form of likes, comments and higher retention on the video. So adding a simple annotation to like or encouraging people to share on their social network can be incredibly helpful.

#4. Improve the quality of your videos

Even though most people can record videos on their smartphone if you want to stand out you have to upscale the quality. The three elements of your videos that can help improve the quality of your videos are lighting, sound and camera quality. Lighting is crucial to ensure the quality of a video is high. You can use natural light from a window or purchase a simple ring light. Audio is also important to keep viewers engaged. If you can't hear the video you are watching you are less likely to stick around watching. If you have a video with poor audio, you can also add subtitles to your video to help people understand any unclear words. Finally, the last thing to spend money on is a better quality camera.

#5. Collaborate with other creators

It doesn't matter if you're trying to increase subscribers on a newsletter, a podcast, or your YouTube channel. One of the best ways to grow your audience and increase engagement with your videos is to collaborate with other creators. After all, loyal viewers trust the creators they subscribe to. That's why they typically subscribe to them in the first place. So if you collaborate with them, it gives you instant social proof in their eyes even if they didn't know your brand existed then. But you shouldn't just collaborate with anyone. Instead, find creators involved somewhat in your industry but ensure you n don't become a direct competitor of course.

Final thoughts...
If you want to grow your YouTube engagement, you must appeal to the interest of your audience. If you can help your potential customers better understand your products and services or help them solve a problem, they are more likely to want to buy from you. YouTube is a valuable tool for marketing your products and services. Focusing on growing engagement will also result in increasing your revenue.

With these tactics you will for sure see a difference. Comments and suggestions are highly welcomed on the comments section.

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Written by: Antony Moturi

DJ | Social Media Specialist | Online Marketer | Content Creator | Sound Engineer


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