Progress in life is all about reinventing yourself. Change means reinvention. Each time a major shift happens in our lives, we have to choose who we want to become or risk never reaching our full potential.

Reinventing yourself doesn't mean taking baby steps to become a slightly different person. It means diving into a new and improved version of yourself head first. If you want to reinvent yourself, you have to make a game plan, address your flaws and never stop learning. Hear some easy steps to reinventing yourself-:

#1. Visualize your new future

Visualizing simply means reflecting on the changes you want to make. Before you jump into reinventing yourself, you need to slow down, reflect and spend some time writing down your thoughts. Ask yourself why you want to reinvent yourself and what you want your future to look like. Make a list of all the things you want to change and that you can begin to do so. You can begin by writing down the big changes you want to make. Maybe you want to lose a considerable amount of weight, maybe you want to learn to be generous. Whatever big changes you want to make write them down and make a list of how you can go about accomplishing those goals. Besides that also write down the small changes too. Though reinventing yourself takes big leaps, Rome wasn't built in a day, and the new you won't either. Make a list of small things that can slowly help you build up to your new life.

#2. See yourself outside yourself.

Imagine you are a sculptor. A sculptor looks at his or her piece of stone and endlessly questions new ways to shape it. And if he or she thinks of something to change, there is no emotional attachment. They just do it. This is how you need to see yourself as a work of art, always in progress. No need to get upset, or come down hard on yourself when you see something you do not like. Instead, like an artist, just get to work.

#3. Never stop learning

If you really want to reinvent yourself, then you need to understand that reinvention is a never ending process. Though you may reach your set goals, if you want to be an improved, well rounded person, you should recognize that there is always more to learn. This will keep you from being complacent and will continue to drive your hunger for knowledge. You can start by reading works by experts on subjects you want to know about. You can learn a lot about almost any given topic by getting the information straight from the horse's mouth. The list about learning is endless and there are many methods that you can pick on how to keep learning.

#4. Every day, go back to that vision of you walking toward your future.

Every morning or evening, close your eyes and see yourself walking into the rising sun, toward your dreams and reconnect with why you're moving towards this new possibility. Reinvention is neither easy nor always smooth. Often, we encounter resistance. We don't want to let go, even of things that cause us pain or that are obviously already out of our grasp. We often struggle with limiting beliefs or stories about ourselves that hold us back from trying new things. But there is one way to keep your compass pointed to this new life, even in the midst of any resistance or struggles you may encounter on your path. 
Each time you find yourself slipping into old habits - isolating yourself, making excuses not to look for work, procrastinating on a task that might help you advance in your career - don't bother wondering why you're doing it or beating yourself up. Just ask yourself this; '' What can I do in this moment to keep moving forward?''
Then, no matter what you feel in the moment, do something to maintain momentum, even if it's one small thing. Remember true courage isn't about not feeling fear, its about feeling fear and acting anyway. Choose courage instead of letting your fear choose your future for you.

Reinvention is an art.

It is a process. It is not a quick fix or an overnight solution. It is a deliberate practice, day in and day out, until you realize who it is you want to be, you already were all doing.

You could reach out to a self development coach to learn more on self development here.

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Written by: Antony Moturi

DJ | Social Media Specialist | Online Marketer | Content Creator | Sound Engineer


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