The Secret Behind succeeding unveiled.

During times of uncertainty, it's easy to think, ''screw it.'' The goals you had before seem distant especially in the middle of an unforeseen pandemic.

Everyone dreams of having a highly successful career that they enjoy and that provides them with the lifestyle they desire. Far too many of us, though, end up settling short when it comes to career success, working jobs we don't enjoy for less money than we'd like to have. The good news is that having a successful career is something that is largely under your own control. 

If you would like to start enjoying career success, here are some tips to help you.

#1. Find your passion

The single most factor for career choice is having a passion for the profession. This passion must be yours, independent of external influence. Too often people are running after professions associated with prestige and status, but if you are not passionate about the work then you will burn out. Additionally, for every profession there is someone else who is passionate about it and will outwork you because it's not work to them. In other words, passion determines success. Passion leads to hard work since it's not work but rather an enjoyable activity. A litmus test for you if you have a true passion for a profession comes from whether you enjoy the practice and not just the result.

#2. Aim for excellence

The good news is that if you're an ambitious professional, you've probably been aiming for this since day one of your first job. We're taught to work hard, over deliver, rinse and repeat. But if you're not careful, you can get in the trap of saying yes to everything and committing to too many things. This can result in you working hard on busy work and failing to exude excellence when it truly matters. Or worse, if you're a perfectionist, you can get caught in the procrastination trap which eats away your time and creates a never ending to do list that can impact your performance. All work is not created equal, and knowing the difference is key to consistently delivering excellent work. You have to find a way to deal with all of the work, not do all of the work. To create a track record of excellence, you can't be afraid to set priorities and work strategically.

#3. Keep a positive attitude

When you have a positive attitude, positive results will come. Pessimism, on the other hand, is the enemy of success. Pessimism is able to turn manageable challenges into ones that are insurmountable, while optimism is able to make every challenge one that you are able to overcome. Start trying to catch yourself when you are thinking negative thoughts or displaying a pessimistic attitude toward some aspect of your career and replace them instead with a positive and optimistic outlook. In other words, always look on the bright side and have a positive attitude and the future of your career will be bright as well. 

#4. Build genuine connections

Most people think that when pursuing new careers they shouldn't make any new friends. No new friends will lead you to no new opportunities. To succeed in your career regardless of what life throws your way, you must be willing to build genuine connections in and out of season. Yes, that means when you need a new job and when you don't. Doing excellent work and advocating for yourself are essential skills but you also need allies who are in rooms you may not have had a chance to enter yet. At work it can be easy to build relationships with your colleagues on the same level as you but don't limit yourself. Seek out relationships with colleagues on different teams and senior leaders and executives you may not interact with often. You can also look around at people at other companies and in other industries that inspire you and cultivate mutually beneficial relationships with them too. When done the right way, these relationships can dramatically impact the trajectory of your career.

#5. Set goals

One of the most beneficial things a person can do for their career is to set goals for themselves. A set of well-thought out goals can serve as a roadmap to success, providing you with objectives to meet along the way as you work towards wherever you want to be in your career. Besides ensuring that you do what it takes to meet the goals that you set for yourself, the most important part of setting goals is making sure the goals you set are beneficial. A beneficial goal is one that is challenging without being unattainable and one that will improve you and your career when you meet it. If you can set both short term and long term goals that meet these criteria, it will certainly help you reach the final goal you have for your career.

You could reach out to a self development coach to learn more on self development here.

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Written by: Antony Moturi

DJ | Social Media Specialist | Online Marketer | Content Creator | Sound Engineer


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