Become a Success in Simple Steps.

Investing is a risk vs returns game. A wise investment involves best options that are good for an individual. An average investor uses his money and invests the rest, a good investor invests his money and uses the rest. While some have made millions, many have lost as well.

Most investors don't agree on much, but they do agree that making money in the market comes with a steadfast strategy that is built around a set of rules. Investing can be fun. And the idea of growing your money substantially over time is enticing. But investing for long-term success will involve more than just picking a stock or mutual fund and letting it ride.

If you don't have your own carefully crafted suite of investing rules, now is the time to do it and the best place to start is to ask the people who have had success in their investing careers.

Walk with me and learn the key characteristics of a good investor to become one.

#1. Have a plan

Having a plan will first involve thinking about what your money is being invested for. Is it for retirement? Or for buying a house? Once you've set a goal like this, you can figure out how much you'll need to invest to get you there. A good investor will always have clear goals. It is very important to have a plan to achieve the goals. Variations most likely tend to divert an investor from the agenda. Having a plan of action within a defined period of time for a particular return on investment is a sign of a good investor. They are prepared for the uncertainty of the market while the plans are usually made considering both the sides.

#2. Diversify your risk

There is no great merit in concentration. Successful investors may tell you that most of their money was made in just a few stocks. That is absolutely true! But to survive long enough in the markets to make money you need to ensure that your risk is diligently managed. That is where diversification comes in. Too much concentration can destroy your equity portfolio and hence your risk needs to be constantly monitored. Irrespective of whether you are a trader or an investor,  one of your key goals is to preserve capital that can only be done by diversifying your risk.

#3. Know your limits

How does stock market volatility make you feel? How have you reacted to it in the past? These questions are vital ones in determining your asset allocation model. Your mix of stocks and bonds. This important combination will play a huge role in your rate of return, which factors into how fast your investments will grow. But it could also determine how well you stay invested. If your holdings are too aggressive, you could end up timing the market- selling at low points so that you can stop losses and buying at higher points once you're not scared anymore. This could lead to returns that are below average, which could make meeting your goals harder if it happens often. Diversifying or adding safer investments can reduce this risk. And if losses make you skittish, a move like this could help you become a more consistent investor.

#4. Listen to the world but do what is right!

A good investor knows the time. They keep an eye on current scenario in the market. They update their knowledge about market activities and growth. Having a sound understanding of trends enables investors to overlook their plans and decide the term of investment. Having an understanding of current trends and company market position makes one a good investor. They own their mistakes and learn not to make them again. It's not necessary that the good investor jumps into the trends, he or she just does what is right.

#5. Research

Research is crucial not only when it comes to investments but almost everything in the world requires a thorough research before venturing into them. One of the most crucial ways of a successful investor is the ability to identify good stocks. It is not just about entering into a stock but also about timing your entry. Before you invest, understand the company has a moat and margin of safety, focus on intangible assets etc. Successful investment strategies are all about identifying the right stock and entering at the right time. Focus on how bets you can do it and don't worry about catching the bottom and top of any stock.


Investing can grow your accounts significantly over time, which could make meeting your long-term goals much easier. And although it may seem complicated, taking these steps can simplify the process and make you a more successful investor.

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Written by: Antony Moturi

DJ | Social Media Specialist | Online Marketer | Content Creator | Sound Engineer


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