Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid.

Most of a blog's traffic is driven organically. In other words, consumers will search for something on a search engine and click on your blog if it matches their intended topic. Before I started blogging I had a totally wrong idea of how blogging worked. I just assumed that: you had to be rich and pretty, and once you open your blog, the floods of traffic and raving fans roll in. I first learned that no, you don't have to be rich and pretty to be a successful blogger. In fact you don't have to be anything at all!

Here are the most common blog post mistakes.

#1. You think of ideas that only interest you

As much as you might read and re-read your blog posts after you publish them, you're not the only reader, or the intended reader. When you start blogging, ideas will come to you at random times, in the shower, on a run, while on phone. While the ideas come at random moments, the ideas themselves should never be random. Just because it's a good idea in general or something that interests you personally doesn't mean it's a good idea for your company.

#2. Your blog lacks focus

If I asked you right now what you blogged about could you give me a clear answer in only one sentence? If not your blog lacks some focus. Do you write about a million different topics? Maybe you blog about food and beauty and dogs on your blog and the only thing you're doing is confusing the heck out of your readers. You see this all the time with failed lifestyle bloggers. When it comes to blogging it is best to settle yourself on one niche.

#3. It's all about you

This is a big one. Here's the truth, no one cares about you just because you have a blog. It's harsh but it's the truth. If your blog only serves you then you will never have a successful profitable blog. Because when people hop online they are looking for solutions to their problems. When clicking over to articles and websites there is always a subconscious voice asking what's in it for me? And the most successful blogs always seek to solve those problems. No one cares that you took your kids to the park or what you made for dinner. They want solutions for free things to do with their kids and a quick meal they can whip together when they just don't have time to cook. If you are simply publishing your own stories or writing posts to serve you, then it's time to change.

#4. You try to make every post perfect

I hate to break it to you, but your blog post is never going to be perfect ever! There will always be more things you can do to make your posts better. More images, better phrasing, wittier jokes. The best writers I know, know when to stop obsessing and just hit publish.

#5. You don't blog consistently

By now, you've probably heard that the more often you blog, the more traffic you'll get to your website and the more subscribers and leads you'll generate from your posts. But as important as volume is, it's actually more important that you're blogging consistently when you're just getting started. If you publish five posts in one week and then only one or two in the next few weeks, it'll be hard to form a consistent habit. And inconsistency could really confuse your subscribers. Instead, it's the companies that make a commitment to regularly publishing quality content to their blogs that tend to reap the biggest rewards in terms of website traffic and leads and those results continue to pay out over time. To help establish consistency, you'll need a more concrete planning strategy. 

#6. Your writing is a brain dump

Sometimes when I get a great idea I'm exited about, it's really tempting to just sit down and let it flow out of me. But what I get is usually a sub-par blog post. Why? The stream-of-consciousness style of writing isn't really a good style for blog posts. Most people are going to scan your blog posts, not read them, so it needs to be organized really well for that to happen.

Final thoughts...

If your blog isn't working then make sure your niche isn't too broad or narrow, you make it about your reader. Chances are if your blog isn't working, then it's because of one or more of the mistakes above. Luckily you can fix it! 

Blogging for beginners is hard, heck blogging in general is hard but you can do it! Just keep going and don't give up!

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Written by: Antony Moturi

DJ | Social Media Specialist | Online Marketer | Content Creator | Sound Engineer


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