Best Business Practices Tips.

Knowing the right thing to do when it comes to managing a business isn't always an easy task. A good manager plays a significant role in creating a positive and highly productive workplace. Your behavior and management can transform your team into a super productive unit and improve morale among your direct reports. 

Stepping into a role as a business owner with employees is not as easy as it sounds. It is now your job to motivate employees to do their best, make tough decisions about day-to-day operations and guide the company to a successful future. It can feel like you need to be an expert in everything.

Follow these 7 steps for business best practices and you'll be on the right track.

#1. Engage your Employees

Studies have found that 68% of employees are disengaged in their work. This means they don't care whether the company succeeds or if they gain the approval of senior leadership. These employees put a drain on the company and limit your potential for growth. If you are looking to break out of the mold as a leader, consider engaging your employees. Find out what motivates them and what drives their career goals. By keeping them excited about their work, you can drive your business successfully.

#2. Foster a culture of accountability, transparency and recognition

Are you rewarding outcome or output? Are you encouraging a performance-based culture that rewards those who consistently deliver results? Are you promoting a culture of accountability that encourages better work and leads to higher performance? Successful business practices demands answers to such questions. Once you find yourself answering such questions through actions then you are in the right path.

#3. Consider a wider range of candidates 

You need a vast pool of employees to find the perfect fit. As long as you have assessment criteria in place, you will know who to shortlist and invite for an interview. Don't limit your search to one job board either as you will lower the chance for finding the right candidate. 

#4. Adopt flexible work policies

Your employees want to be treated like adults. If you respect them, they will respect you. More companies are opting for flexible work policies so employees can  choose their hours within the workday and even work remotely. Look at your organization to see which policies could be more flexible. A few small changes to increase the freedom your employees have could make their work lives better and improve productivity. Plus, it means you will spend less time managing processes and employee hours. 

#5. Communicate clearly, accurately and thoroughly

Bad management often stems from poor communication. If you experience problems with your team, it may be that your communication skills need some honing. To become a better communicator, begin with the basics. Excellent communication is clear, accurate and thorough and doesn't leave people with a question mark over their head. Whether we are talking about written or oral communication, the same rules apply. Try to deliver the punchline first, then compliment your main point with supporting information. Since listening makes a big part of good communication practices, welcome additional questions from your team and be ready to answer them with patience and empathy.

#6. Lead by example

Leading is less about your employees what to do and more about guiding them through their work. If you show your team members how hard you work and that you care about what you do then your work ethic might be contagious. Not only should you lead by example to motivate your team members, but you can also do it to train them. Give your staff opportunities to lead or learn new skills through you. They will appreciate the growth opportunities and you can develop a more resilient staff.

In conclusion...

When you rely on good management practices, you can professionally develop yourself and consequently develop your team.

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Written by: Antony Moturi

DJ | Social Media Specialist | Online Marketer | Content Creator | Sound Engineer


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