Ideas to Help the Youths in Kenya.

For many people, the word "investing" conjures up images of men in suits, monitoring the exchange of millions of shillings on a stock ticket.

Kenya is a land of endless opportunities for everyone. It is one of the rising economies in Africa, and many investors are already reaping big with their startups. As a youth you may be left out not knowing where to start. 

Let's face it, we all need a role model everywhere, even in the financial world, but we hardly get anyone to share with us the best industry tips on investment opportunities.

In this post I will be sharing with you, especially the youths, the best investment ideas in Kenya that are tailored for you. We will also take a look at the best investment strategies and the risk factors. Lets get started:

#1. Stock exchange: The NSE

Some of us already know what stocks are. Well, if you are new here, I will give you a little explanation for this. For a new company to get a considerable thrust, they need capital. This might not be raised by a single individual or owner of the company and here is where the stocks come into play. The company will collect capital by selling what is known as shares to the public. After a long run, the company's value will rise and they will then buy their stocks at a higher rate, you can also sell these shares to other interested parties.
Note that Stock trading is not as easy as it sounds. It would be best if you did intensive market research before getting into this field. Otherwise, you might end up losing all your investment. It is also advisable to go through a broker who already understands the market.

#2. Real Estate investment

While real estate companies are an excellent investment option today, owning a property now is an uphill task. This, nonetheless, doesn't mean that you cannot start to invest in the real estate sector. A real estate investment trust (REIT) which works just similar to a mutual fund is an outstanding vehicle to own a commercial or private property. There are several advantages of investing in a REIT over owning the real property completely and they include:-
  • High income
  • Options to diversify
  • Tax relief

#3. Investing in Government Bonds

Bonds are just ways in which the Kenyan government or large companies borrow from the general public to fund their projects, or run the government itself. The Kenyan Treasury bonds provide quarterly, semi-annual or even annual T-bonds with cash repayment periods of between 1-30 years, you decide on this. Interest rates diversify with the duration of the issued bonds and the total amount issued. Bonds are an excellent substitute for saving your money in the traditional bank since they fetch higher interest rates in the end- the interest shifts with the prevailing economic trends. As a youth, you have the opportunity to multiply your money in the best way we could ever know.

#4. Agribusiness

We all need food at the end of the day. Agriculture is a sector that will boom forever. There will never be a day that farm produce will lack market unless there's war or something unpleasant. Farming in Kenya is very easy. Well, 80% of Kenya has land and climate that is suitable for farming. You don't need any capital to begin. Just something like kale seeds and start planting, remove weeds and wait for a bumper harvest and sell. Moreover, farming is not all about vegetables. You can also do rabbit farming, pig farming and many more. All these agricultural stuff makes big money at the end of the day. The best part about this is that competition is extremely low. Many people have not yet ventured into farming to pose a big challenge.
In terms of market, you will never have to stay with your produce. From the local market to other towns in Kenya, everyone needs fresh stuff. Besides, the government has opened doors for agricultural produce export. Agribusiness is the next big thing, so as a youth, it's time you get in and invest well.

#5. Start a company

All these big companies you know didn't come out of nowhere and became what they are overnight. Some individuals started them and expanded with time by providing value to clients. As a youth, you can do the same. Just register your company and make it lively and build a brand. It could be a shoe company, a body gel or anything you are passionate. The best part is, once your company gets better, investors will come knocking on your door and finance the company to international levels. You don't have to start alone. Get your fellow youths and do something great.

#6. Branding and PR industry

This is the investment opportunity in Kenya that nobody wants you to know. It is thriving in countries like the US and can work better in Kenya as well. There's a lot of cash to be made here once you are established. All you have to do is build a brand for yourself. An excellent place to do this is through social media channels like Facebook, Instagram and even Twitter. In this business, you will do stuff like events planning, wedding decorations, developing content for other companies and many more. Events like weddings happen daily and they use big budgets. What if you took a portion by providing your services. Think about that.

In Summary...

It's time for the youths in the country to pull up their socks and stop depending on the government for jobs. Be creative and you start seeing changes in your life and you can also help other youths in your circle to get out of poverty. 

We have opportunities for youths here:

Are you looking for online jobs in Kenya? Check it out here

How to make money online? Find out more here

Written by: Antony Moturi

DJ | Social Media Specialist | Online Marketer | Content Creator | Sound Engineer


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