Digital Marketing Mistakes.

Hitting seven figures in your business is a milestone to celebrate. Too often, however, entrepreneurs are heading for this magical number only to fall short.

Digital marketing has become a must do for businesses, yet many companies are making errors that are holding back their growth and giving the edge to their competitors. Most businesses now have websites and at least a basic social media presence, but they often don't use these tools effectively, resulting in a poor return on investment and frustration for busy entrepreneurs. 

The good news is that it's never been easier to create a web presence with free and low cost service that require no programming know how. Easy to create social media pages have also made it simpler to get online.

For one reason or another, your product or service isn't reaching its full potential and it may be one of these 5 things that is holding you back from growth.

#1. Trying to do it all at once

Many entrepreneurs want to make a big splash with a costly website and a full-fledged social media presence. They watch as their projects get bogged down with a million details and problems while their competitors speed ahead. The result has lost time and money. You're better to get a fast start with simple scalable tools. Then, you can make steady progress, building and improving your presence as you learn what works for your business.

#2. Your campaigns are over-promising and under-delivering

Too many brands market incredible results they can't guarantee. Although you don't want to short-sell your product or downplay the benefits of your service, it's better to surprise customers with fantastic results than to let them down with unmet expectations. If you are not alarmed to hear that roughly 32% of customers stop doing business with a brand after only one bad experience, then you're probably not focusing enough on impressing your customers with results. If you can't make good on the promises your marketing messages give, you might not get a second chance, and that spells disaster for your business as a whole.

#3. Your branding

As your business has grown and evolved, has your brand positioning? Review your brand promise and brand emotions and see how they fit in with your current product offering and the needs and desires of your market. Is it consistent with what your business does well? If you were to look at your business with a set of fresh eyes, what would you choose for your company at this point in time?

#4. Failing to create a community

One of the most important goals for your online marketing should be to foster a community with your business at its center. The best way to do this is by offering value-added content that helps, amuses and challenges your audience. Yet, many companies alienate their audience by constantly pushing hard-sell marketing messages at them. A better choice is to position yourself as an expert in your field, offering how-to articles, eBooks, infographics and informative videos. Visitors are more likely to share this kind of content with their social media followers and ideally become advocates for your company.

#5. Your strategies cross the line between informing and spamming

Although we hope that most marketing professionals have moved past "spamming" their followers with sketchy emails; the timing and quantity of messages can still border on unprofessional, even if your team understands that spam is a huge no. What's interesting is that the marketing trend that places emphasis on avoiding spam has caused some marketers to overcorrect in an ineffective way. There is such a thing as sending too few messages or failing to market at all for fear of trading into spam territory. What many marketing teams have failed to realize in recent years is that most email readers don't actually hate getting ads. They hate getting bad ads. Email ads aren't bad as long as they are used carefully and intelligently with plenty of consideration for the reader. Your marketing team must decide where to draw the line between spamming potential customers and failing to give them enough information to pique their interest in the products or services.

In conclusion...

It seems like every day there's something new to learn about digital marketing, even for the top senior digital marketing managers. However, it's clear that right now, the five things listed above are some of the most serious mistakes modern marketing teams can make. 

In each of these huge and complex topics discussed mentioned above, you can review the opportunities, create a strategy and implement actions to ensure improved digital marketing.

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Written by: Antony Moturi

DJ | Social Media Specialist | Online Marketer | Content Creator | Sound Engineer


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