How to Turn Employees into Marketers.
Marketing has over the years been left to the marketing department. For synergy and better results, organizations now need to spread their nets wider by encompassing employees as brand marketers.
Savvy entrepreneurs know how important it is to make the most of every marketing opportunity. So why do many organizations overlook one of the greatest marketing sources-the employees themselves? Of course they have a budget for traditional advertising. However, their offices are filled with potential brand evangelists if only they learn how to make the most out of them.
That is why you should engage your employees and co-workers in your marketing efforts. Your employees should be your best customers and your biggest fans. Here are some easily implemented ways you can engage your employees and turn them into your brand marketers.
#1. Communicate the vision
If you asked your employees to tell you the vision and mission of the company, chances are they would each articulate that message in a different way. Make sure your employees understand the value you are providing to your customers. This message should be consistently reinforced in communication from senior leadership and managers so employees can clearly articulate it to their networks. It's important that everyone is speaking from the same page when it comes to "who we are" and "what we do."
#2. Equipping employees
To maximize the power of this resource, however, the organization must equip its employees with the knowledge and resources they need to be effective brand ambassadors. The employees must know what your organization stands for and what makes it different from others in the marketplace. The employees must know what your organization stands for and what makes it different from others in the marketplace. The employees must also understand your brand promise and be able to explain the most important elements of your brand identity. In addition, they must be empowered to deliver on your brand promise. In order for employees to keep this promise, managers need to constantly assist and provide guidance on what is expected of them. They should also create structures and mechanisms to consistently instill brand values in the organization's culture, discuss brand behaviors daily, be role models and demonstrate brand behaviors.
#3. Create great content
The content you create is the driving force behind what your employees will choose to share on social media. you must create compelling and relevant content that will inspire employees to spread the word. Company news, articles and press releases will work well, but infographics, videos and behind-the-scenes looks at the company will work even better.
#4. Customize your game plan
Not every employee is the same, and different types of people require different tactics in order to turn them into brand ambassadors. But how do you know what types of employees and social media users you have at your company? How can you identify them? Mobilizing your employees on social media is not something that happens overnight.
Final Thoughts...
These are just some simple thoughts I had to turn your employees into marketers. I know many of these reasons are why I love working at Fnfcom Marketing Agency.
Have you had any employee marketing efforts that have been effective? Let me know in the comments section!
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