Transforming Customers to Brand Ambassadors.

Ordinarily, customers buy your products to solve a problem. Customers who go on to become informal ambassadors are the ones who buy your product and find it worthy of raving about. While a satisfied customer may complete an online review of your product, the customer-turned brand ambassador goes further, writing detailed reviews, sharing photos of themselves using your products, or otherwise indicating through their behavior that they love what you sell.

However, turning a customer into a fan is hard enough and turning a fan into a die hard brand ambassador requires a type of loyalty that goes beyond business and creates a deep emotional connection. This kind of loyalty builds the strongest kind of customer base.

Here are some ideas on how you can get your customers to promote you.

#1. Start with a quality product or service

This one should be a no-brainer, but it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of beta testing and prototypes and to jump right into a supposed full-fledged service or product before you're ready. Of course the prototype stage is crucial, but learn from it and use this time to perfect the end product. You want your customers to be marketing for you, but they are only going to advertise, if there is a decent, ''something'' to tell about.

#2. Provide outstanding customer service

Sure, having an excellent products means you'll be able to catch people's attention, but the thrill of a new purchase rarely lasts long. What stays with the buyer way beyond the purchase is the way you make customers feel. What is it about your customer service that goes above and beyond? Do you treat each customers as if they're individuals and do whatever you can to solve their problems or issues? Do you make efforts to maintain a relationship with them after the sale?

#3. Encourage user reviews

When a customer uses your products, he or she may like it but may not talk about it. With this, it's crucial to encourage customer reviews. This is when a customer narrates in detail how the product improved his or her life. By doing this, your customers become instant ambassadors for your brand. This is because they share your brand with the public without expecting anything in return.

#4. Consider an incentive program

There are many ways to approach this and one of the most blatant is giving existing customers a perk if they get their family or friends through your doors. Is it an obvious tactic? Yes. But it will work if you make it worth something to your customer and if they are assured that you will not be hounding their friends saying that they recommended your product or service. It can be a means of catering to a group instead of an individual if it is handled right.

#5. Create and cultivate online communities and groups

Many brands find that, in addition to their normal social media presence, creating social media groups is an excellent way to engage more deeply with customers. Closed Facebook groups built around a brand, or even a single aspect of a brand, can be excellent oases in the social media world for people with something important in common (love for your products), where they can engage with others who get them.

Final Thoughts...

Brand ambassadors don't need to be models or celebrities. They don't have to be influencers with tons of followers. A customer is just as capable of promoting your brand to their family and friends and their promotions are more effective in generating sales. The key is in their circle of trust.

Since customers promote your brand to people that they know and like, they are more likely to convert these people into customers. Since they can share their personal experience with the brand, their story is more compelling and effective in getting people to do the same.

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Written by: Antony Moturi

   About the Author: 

Antony is a professional DJ, Pianist, Social Media ManagerContent Creator and a Blogger. Besides that he does professional Sound Engineering, Public Speaking and is a Youth Leader.


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