Networking 101 Simplified.

Relationships are what makes the world go round. You need relationships for you to grow.

Fostering strong professional and personal relationships with your clients is now the norm. For many, this may be a time-consuming process, but its benefits are easy to see.

Walk with me as we check out on the tips to increase sales by building relationships.

#1. Engage 

Successful relationships are a two-way street. Loyal customers and clients want to be actively invested in the relationship. If you notice that a customer is limiting his or her involvement with you, it could be a sign that the relationship is on shaky ground. To improve engagement, empower customers by inviting them to partner with your company in the process of generating new ideas and initiatives. Are they planning to enter a new market or launch a new product? Ask for their opinion and find out their short and long-term goals. When you draft a game plan, keep them in mind. Plan a brainstorm session; doing so will help build rapport and also give you an inside look at how they operate.

#2. Establish trust

Trust is the cornerstone of any sales transaction; customers have to trust you, your company and your product. Knowing this, where should you start and how can you build trust with your clients and increase sales? There two ways to build trust with new and existing clients. The first and easiest way is to connect with your clients via mutual connections. We are far more likely to try a product or service our trusted friend or acquaintance recommends and has done business with. For those lacking connections, showing that you are an expert in your business is another great way to establish trust. Guiding your client reliably to a viable solution and away from costly mistakes will demonstrate your expertise and that you have their best interests in mind.

#3. Solicit feedback 

In addition to offering useful and relevant information, regularly solicit feedback and advice from customers. In many cases, insights from regular feedback improves relationships by highlighting problems that existed below the surface and also because you'll be communicating that you are willing to go the extra mile to make sure you're meeting their needs. Feedback may also reveal ways in which the relationship can be expanded to include a greater scope of products or services.

Final thoughts...

Now, more than ever before, building relationships with clients has become a central part of sales. Using these 3 tips, you can create a strong network of client relationships and increase sales in the process.

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Written by: Antony Moturi

   About the Author: 

Antony is a professional DJ, Pianist, Social Media ManagerContent Creator and a Blogger. Besides that he does professional Sound Engineering, Public Speaking and is a Youth Leader.


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