Get Inspired as A Startup Founder:

Success is often built on strong personal branding-because it immediately tells us who a person is and where their expertise lies. Personal branding isn't limited to those in the public sphere. Regardless of who you are, you can showcase your talents.

Below is a list of the things that a personal brand gives you a startup founder:-

#1. Portability

Your brand gives you equity. Your brand builds personal brand equity over time and that equity gives you portability. Whether we are employed by an organization or self-employed, our paths are not linear. Life throws us curveballs and we pivot more than we could expect. A personal brand gives you portability, whether you need it for career transition or post exit as an entrepreneur. And here is where most people get personal branding wrong. Most people believe that building a personal brand means creating content about their areas of expertise, and that is a mistake. A true personal brand needs to be built around who you are, not what to do. This and only this will give it portability.

#2. Platform

What you do with your platform is up to you, but having it brings you straight to the top. It allows you to achieve self-actualization, inspire others and make a difference. A personal brand is increasingly associated with coffee pictures, vacation shots and social media bragging. In reality, personal branding is about visibility that allows you to attract meaningful opportunities, portability that protects you in times of crisis or change and a platform that allows you to live a life of meaning.

#3. Visibility

The goal of personal branding is for you to position yourself as an expert. thought leader or influencer in the minds of your target audience. As you self-market, the size of the audience grows, giving you visibility as a result. Depending on your goals, the visibility can serve a variety of purposes, helping you attract clients, career opportunities, the desired promotion and opportunities you perhaps never even thought of or aimed to attract. There is, of course, a negative side to heightened visibility and it is something that our clients often worry about. With a spike in the number of people attracted to your brand, there is likely to be an increase in the number of people who not only dislike you but also make sure to inform you that.

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Written by: Antony Moturi

   About the Author: 

Antony is a professional DJ, Pianist, Social Media ManagerContent Creator and a Blogger. Besides that he does professional Sound Engineering, Public Speaking and is a Youth Leader.


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