
 Habits of a Productive Person It doesn't matter what you do or where you work - everyone is looking for ways to be more productive on the job. But excessive amounts of caffeine and list-making won't get you any closer to reaching peak productivity levels today. So why are we all so obsessed with productivity? It's probably because because in this digital age, staying on task and avoiding distraction is harder to accomplish than your actual work. Not to mention the feeling of a productive workday is somewhat euphoric. Ensure you make room for increased productivity by putting these habits into play: #1. Track how you spend your time It's hard to figure out how you spend your time better if you don't know where it's going now. For ideally a week (but at least a few days), monitor what tasks you're working on each day and how much time you devote to each one. You may be surprised to see just how much time you're wasting on things you care less about. Once ...

M-Pesa Now the Biggest Revenue Earner for Safaricom

By Business Daily Mobile money platform M-Pesa has overtaken voice to become the biggest revenue earner for Safaricom, underlining the growth of the financial service that was launched on March 6, 2007. The platform’s revenue declined 2.1 percent to Sh82.64 billion in the year ended March, surpassing sales from the voice which recorded a larger drop of 4.6 percent to Sh82.55 billion. The telco’s net profit fell 6.8 percent to Sh68.6 billion in the review period, after the coronavirus crisis hit revenue from financial services and calls in the year to the end of March. The Nairobi Securities Exchange-listed firm declared a final dividend of Sh0.92 per share, bringing its total payout for the period to Sh1.37 per share. The payout marks a slight drop from the distribution of Sh1.4 per share the year before. M-Pesa’s rise to the top came despite the telco zero-rating fees on transactions of Sh1,000 and below from March 16 to December 31 last year. When charges were reinstated on J...
 6 Factors That Generate Successful Sales What is it that makes some salespeople more successful than others? Here are some sales success factors:- #1. Method For every deal that you uncover, you need to have a reason to pursue it. Just because ''they are going to make a purchase'' is not good enough. You need to have rules for when you will pursue a deal, and when you won't.  Likewise, you need rules for ''How'' to engage your deals.  Following a good system of selling puts you in control of the sale. Not following a system of selling(or following a weak one) puts the customer in control of you. #2. Disciplined effort With out discipline, you really don't have a method. You must follow your rules consistently, and you must put effort into working your system. When you use a good sales system with disciplined effort, you will be successful. It's the people who give up too early, or don't completely follow through with a good system that a...
 Marketing Strategies to Ensure your Business Grows Growing a business isn't easy. First, you need a viable idea. From there, you need to discover a profitable niche, define a target demographic and have something of value to sell them. A marketing strategy is a business's overall approach to how it will reach its desired new customers. That being said, having an effective marketing strategy in place is hands down one of the best marketing tools you can use. What does it take to do that? Simply put, you have to take a step back for a moment. You have to analyze and understand the basic mechanics of your message and how to effectively reach a larger audience without losing your shirt. No matter what marketing strategy you use, if you don't have an effective sales funnel and optimize your conversions, you'll just be throwing money away. Here are some strategies that you can put into use and get results-: #1. Use of social media You can't ignore social media. That'...
 Should I Pursue My Passion or be Practical? This is a question that most of you have to tackle in order to stay relevant in the society. Many have searched for answers only to be left with nothing but more questions. If you're feeling unfulfilled in your career, it may be because you're on a path that doesn't allow you to follow your passion. Perhaps you've stuck yourself in a particular job because the money is good. Ultimately, chasing money instead of passion won't get you far if you're looking for self-improvement. Money is a very powerful thing. It builds empires and breaks down kingdoms; it allows dreams to come true and it takes others away; it makes some people happy and others completely miserable. Today the pursuit of money is almost directly linked to the pursuit of happiness, and many will argue that money=happiness. Although money is great and can buy us all the things that will temporarily make us happy, no amount of money can buy time. Time is ou...
Starting and Running your Own Social Networks   Since the creation of Facebook, the social media industry has been booming. Mark was the needed trigger and catalyst that pushed entrepreneurs to think, take risks and create a social network that is new and fresh. Have you ever thought of building your own social network? But how do you start a social network? Do you have the needed resources to create a social networking site?  What does this mean from business and development point of view? Here are some steps that you need follow in the process. #1. Identify your community If you don't want to shoot in a dark and have financial losses you need to identify your community. The process of identification needs to be done in the brainstorming stage. Identifying preferences and dislikes of your community will help you in better understanding the psychological factors that affect them as a consumer and what you can do to get their attention. Sometimes the need for what you are ...

7 Money Personality Types: How to Tell Which One You Are

  We often stress about the importance of financial literacy, such as gaining a strong understanding of how money works and having the resources to make informed decisions. But when it comes to establishing financial health, one thing most people fail to consider is their money personality type — or their approach and emotional responses to money. We each have our own beliefs and emotions about money, and they are mostly shaped by our individual life experiences (e.g., passed down from our parents or influenced by our current situations). In my 10-plus years of researching the psychology of money and happiness, I’ve found that there are seven distinct money personality types. Typically, we fall into a combination of many types, and not just one. Identifying which types you fall under, and understanding the pitfalls of each, can significantly improve your relationship with money.  It can help you do things like spending less on impulse purchases, ...